1/11 A Pre-action claim for Judicial Review (JR) is underway and a Letter Before Claim is in process. This is to be served upon the Prime Minister Boris Johnson at 10 Downing Street in the very near future.

The grounds for the JR are in respect of unfairness and irrationality
2/11 @BorisJohnson and the Government have failed to take on board the readily available and emerging science that should have fully informed their decisions. This occurring despite the Government pledging to take on board and to be led by scientific research.
3/11 @BorisJohnson ’s Government have given feint regard to required legislation and their duties therein, including International Covenants The following are examples of this:-
- Children Act
- UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
- The Equality Act
-Human Rights Act
4/11 Families have a legitimate expectation that Government will act in the best interests of all children and their individual needs and a legitimate expectation that Government will support and uphold families having a private life
5/11 and in doing so the right and ability to decide what is in their child’s interest especially in times of threat and crisis that pertain to their children’s health, safety and wellbeing.
6/11 In addition the public and families, including those from protected equalities characteristic groups, have a legitimate expectation that Government will act within the law, including in regard to giving due regard to protected characteristics and diverse needs.
7/11 By issuing their directive for all children to return to school en masse, @BorisJohnson and Govt have unreasonably and unfairly withdrawn the leeway for reasonable adjustments they initially provided.
8/11 Asserting that ALL children must return to school and threatening that if this does not occur then parents/carers will be fined presents as unreasonable, perverse, irrational and unfair.
9/11 This also takes from parents/carers their rights to decide and to exert influence over what is best for their children and them as families, including families with chronically ill members, BAME families etc.
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