Just some late night thoughts, but for the last two years I’ve been trying to tell myself that I’m not a streamer, I’m just a guy who streams. I’ve been trying to keep streaming as a hobby instead of fully diving into it as a career and it’s been causing me to lose sight of who
I am and what I want for myself which has caused me to fall in a state of depression for a while. I keep telling myself that I keep my life outside of streaming and my stream separate because I wanna keep it as a hobby cus somewhere along the line I picked up this notion that if
I start doing this shit as a career instead of as a hobby that I’ll lose passion for it, but now I’m realizing that turning a hobby into a career is probably the best thing you can do because your livelihood comes from something you’re passionate about.
I guess I’ve been telling myself that and trying to keep everything separated because I’m scared that if I fully engulf myself into the streamer world that if I fail then my whole life has been a failure, but If I keep it as a hobby then it doesn’t matter if I fail or not haha!!!
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