When I see a discussion about Masses in the timeline people forget to clarify some points.
There are two types of rite in the Western church: ordinary form and extraordinary form (TLM).
Recently one variation of ordinary form was approved to be used by churches coming from Anglican tradition. In North America they belong to the Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter.
This discussion means much more about form than correctness, sacredness, or tradition. Because all forms are valid, even older rites that were left behind, and in the end is about Our Lord.
It's hard to imagine a TLM happening in a very poor area. And this is the reality of the church for the majority of people.
Many people raise concerns over CCR because of the feelings. But when you talk about TLM isn't it about how do you feel during celebration? There's the silence, music, ornaments and many others sensory things around. But it's not only this.
Other people refer more to liturgical abuses. I agree with you, those kind of stuff needs to stop.
However when you exalt how beautiful the TLM is, and how important is the silence, you are forgetting people praying Rosary during the mass. People just following body position with mind away.
I cannot imagine a side praying during the mass. Even if it was recommended by saints. Because I see and feel like "Mass is important but I can do my others prayers here while I wait for communion, because I'm not worshiping together in one prayer with everyone"
Closing, I encourage you to keep attending the rite that elevate you close to Christ. Please keep advocating to people come to the church and save their souls, it's our Lord commandment of evangelization. Grace, peace and mercy from God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost be upon you.
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