What we know:
1. The celebrities, politicians, and other elites are controlled through an addiction to pedophilia
2. GMO foods produced by DoD subsidiaries have caused nearly all chronic diseases
3. They lied about UFOs for almost a century
4. The media exists to divide and hide
5. History has been hidden and written
6. “They” stage events to manipulate public opinoin
7. The stock market is fraudelent
8. A government institutions name/ stated purpose is opposite of its true function
9. The central banks have “infinity dollars”
10. The nsa spies on US citizens without warrants
11. The cia runs psychological warfare operations on their own citizens
12. Irresponsible banking practices caused the 2008 financial crisis, taxpayers paid the price, no changes were made and its happening again
13. Uncompromised politicians are barred from participating
14. Cheap medical treatments are hidden or falsely ridiculed
15. True science of physics is actively hidden
16. Scientists are often hired to lie
17. Wars of this century have been fought for profit alone
18. They regard us as their opposition
19. They expend enormous time and resources manipulating us into opposition amongst ourselves
20. Fluoride is a known neurotoxin and they put it in our water
21. They are systematically attacking the values that make a society strong
22. Our food, packaging, cosmetics, clothes, household cleaning, & hygiene products contain endocrine disrupting chemicals which decrease fertility and alter phenotype
23. Our schools breed subservience to authority not critical thinkers
24. Autonomy has been practically outlawed
25. The media protects powerful people even if they commit egregious crimes
26. Acedemia hides evidence that does not fit with their long held theories
27. Free speech is dead; wrong opinions are censored & punished
28. Hypocrisy and deceit is a prerequisite for political office
29. Through the vague Invention Secrecy Act of 1951 the government has seized over 40k patents deemed disruptive or dangerous to national security; among them are free energy devices and water powered vehicles
30. The price of life saving medications are artificially inflated.
31. Many who work in news and television are on the CIA payroll
32. Woodrow Wilson stated in signing the federal reserve act he consigned the nation to perpetual slavery
33. Nazis scientist ran NASA without any meaningful oversite
34. Eugenics is popular among the elite
34. The CIA released documents stating we live in a hologram & astral projection, telepathy, energy medicine & remote viewing are real
35. The cia hired hookers to give American citizens LSD so they could study them
36. People with damaging information commit suicide way to often
37. President Carter stayed, on the record, a psychic located a downed airplane in Africa they had been unable to find after weeks of searching.
38. Many children have given accounts of their previous lives, verified beyond a reasonable doubt.
39. It is illegal to collect rain water
41. We cannot own property, we can only rent it from the state
42. It is illegal to consume plants that broaden our consciousness
43. A passport survived 9/11 but not the plane debris
44. The patriot act strips citizens of due process
45. The media is owned by the same people a true 4th estate would be exposing
46. The CIA created the term conspiracy theorist to ridicule people who discovered their activities
47. The nations the USA escalates wars with have one thing in common, they do not submit to the IMF
48. The cia is the worlds leading supplier of illegal narcotics
49. DARPA has patents for weather manipulation technology
50. Recently government officials admitted to “aerosol injections” of heavy metals meant to “combat global warming” there is better known term for that
51. George Bush Senior headed the cia team which assassinated JFK.
52. The Cuban accused of assassinAting Robert Kennedy still claims to have no memory of the event, and numerous independent psych eval conclude he appears to have been under hypnosis
53. Monsanto started out as a DoD contractor making agent orange and now they are responsible for most of the nations food supply. Reeeee.
54. The last three scientist who have claimed to cure cancer have committed suicide. 2 scientists who claimed to cure aids killed themselves
55. Several corporations have knowingly poisoned their towns local water supply causing widespread childhood cancers. Those companies still successfully operate today & received little more than a slap on the wrist.
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