Where are the women screaming sexual jokes at men eating peaches? Or the women screaming sexual comments at school boys in uniform? Where are the men with rape alarms? Or the small boys married off to grown women? This is the patriarchy. #thisisthepatriarchy #sexualharassment
Where are the men head to toe in veils? Where are the men giving up their surname to take their wives names? Where are the sex based insults for men created by women, that rival the long list of male created sexist insults like 'cunt' 'slag' 'whore' 'bitch' 'slut' 'hag' 'tart?'
Where are the the sayings like 'girls will be girls' to excuse girls doing deplorable shit? Where are the little boys being told 'don't sit with your legs open there's women around!' Where are the men who speed up their walking at night when they walk past a group of women?
Where are the men who clutch their door key when they walk home alone at night and go though all the possible scenarios in their head of being jumped and how they would use their small key to gouge out the eyes of a female rapist? #thisisthepatriarchy
Where are the women telling gay men 'You just haven't met the right woman yet!' What is the equivalent to the term Jail bait? Where is the male Lolita? Where are the women hooking teenage boys on drugs and pimping them out? Where are the 'barren' men?
What is the male equivalent to 'hag' and 'crone?' Where are the 45 million missing men from the worlds population due to sex selective abortion and infanticide? Where are the 50,000 men a year killed by their female partners?
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