In light of recent events I just wanted to say a few words on content creators and having a good FPL rank...

Is it possible to put out quality content and not have an amazing OR history?


Here's why...
Because you can be totally objective about someone elses team whereas with your own team, it's yours, so naturally, emotion comes into it and that's when it can become much harder to make a decision.

You also don't need to be an amazing FPL manager with 5x top 10k finishes to be able present and analyse data in a comprehensive way for others to understand.

Doing something and teaching something, are entirely different skillsets.

How many really good football managers weren't ever good footballers?

Same applies to FPL.

IF, however, you're going to be giving managers specific advice about how to break into the top X in the world, then of course, you need the experience yourself of having done it.

But merely presenting theory, data and then analysing it in a comprehensive way for others to understand, does not require an amazing OR history.


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