This or that food thread. Just random - no reason am too much
How do you like your roast groundnut?
I have two packs of plantain chips and offer you one. You choose
You have two slices of yam and want to make breakfast. You
Which is a worse cooking crime?
The airplane you're on has two kinds of crackers. You can only choose one
For dessert, they've also got two options and you have to choose one
I'd rather eat a meal that has too much
No context
No context
Again, no context.
Meeting organizer is serving sandwiches. Which do you choose?
No context. Limme
No wot? Exactly. Stew placed on the rice where?
Stop looking for context. It's random. Just choose
There are two places to buy akara but they're far apart so you only have time to go to one. You go to the one that
Bread with
You're put on a govt mandated nutrition plan and can only eat one kind of food for a week.
I prefer
I prefer to eat my 🌽 with
Which pancake/waffle toppings do you prefer?
Pasta preference?
Pasta in
Soak garri with
Choose your fighter
Cake (I kuku hate both)
Biscuit wars. Which side do you take?
Drink wars
Lemme add two more to make it 30 questions. I like round numbers.
Battle of the slurpers
How do you like your yogurt?
Oh wait. I make the rules. LOL.
Chicken wings
Croaker fish
For 24 hours, I'd rather eat food that I
Spread for bread (1)
Spread for bread (2)
Spread for bread (3)
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