Got my 3D printer today and first print came out wonderfully (was a random file that was on the memory card). Gunna do more testing tomorrow!
Got the sliver working and got my first benchy. Model looks great, just have really bad stringing. Currently printing a heat tower to see if heat is the issue.
Heat tower test definitely shows a difference when it comes to stringing. Benchy was printed at 200 degrees and the cat at 195, so I think 185 might be the sweet spot. Will test with my next print!
Of course this is assuming the temperature is causing the issue, could also be retraction or nozzle speed. There’s gunna be LOTS of trial and error :P but I got a lot of filament to test with!
First actual useful print: a headset holder!

Printed super warped since the heat bed turned off halfway through (curse you eco mode!) but still came out functional so I call it a win. Doing another hook for my roommate with corrected settings so we’ll see how it goes.
Almost forgot to post this, but here’s the other hook. This image is straight off the bed, best print so far!

Did a couple other tests and I still have a very slight warping/adhesion issue, but I’m getting there. I first need to lube up the Z axis since it’s screeching like a mf
All I did today was testing. Learning to 3D print is just tinkering with temperatures and retraction rates until its perfect. This is kind of an extreme test, but maybe with better PLA or a slower print speed I can get zero strings.

Gunna try a photogrammetry model tonight.
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