A message to the newbies and the twt users with alot of followers who are always being sarcastic no matter what. [ A thread]
If u see a woman being horny in a tweet, ignore it or something, it doesn't give u a right to reply something vulgar, it's her account she can tweet anything, her being horny in a tweet doesn't mean she's tryna give u a sign, that's pretty common here, woman don't actually -
Mean it when they tweet something horny, They're just tryna have fun, it doesn't mean they want u to slide into their dms with unsolicited dick pics, you're just embarrassing yourself, showing your true colors.
If u see a man supporting "all men are trash", it doesn't mean he's a simp or he's tryna get laid, he's educated himself about why "all men are trash" is used, there's a logic, theory, metaphor behind why "men are trash" is used, so u better educate yourself about it.
If u see a woman asking for nudes to her twt friends, she doesn't mean it, they're just joking around, so you're not supposed to send an unsolicited dick pic, also she didn't even ask u.. women know how dick looks, they've seen bigger and better than yours so keep your-
Junk to yourself, they've studied about penis in class 8th, they have knowledge about it, they know how it looks, some of them have bfs, that means they have enough supply, so just don't.
And you homophobes, y'all shouldn't exist, these homosexuals doing so much better in their life, getting sex and all, and u r just talking shit sitting behind the screen, stalking people, masturbating, that's sad and gay people make u puke? Okay don't deep throat so far then.
You see people posting their pics on twt, yes it's their account, they can post whatever they want, replying "don't turn twt into instagram" won't make u cool, just mind your own business and keep making memes.
All these users with "sarcastic" in their usernames, could u please stop being sarcastic in every other tweet, because your sarcasm suck.
You can follow @ParlieChuth.
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