some time ago i was so concerned with bringing in love that my ancestors kept sending me lovers. but these situations always resulted in me having to choose myself. i eventually realized the lesson was to choose self and practice self love first.
most times choosing self means being alone. if the self love isn’t where it needs to be, walls will continue to present themselves. it’ll feel like it SHOULD work and it COULD be, but it just won’t work. for me, i kept facing 3rd party situations. a lingering ex.. someone arrives
and it kept happening bc my external world was mirroring my internal struggle. the people made me an option when really it was just mirroring the way i made an option out of self love and loving another. since i didn’t choose self love to begin with, the relations forced me to
how i heard it from my ancestors was like this:

“you are choosing your love for them over your self love. for that, we will make them choose external love over your love because you don’t have any. you have to walk away and choose self. choose self love”
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