
Saptarishi – The Seven Great Sages

Saptarishi are the seven greatest sages of the Vedic realm. They have attained a semi-immortal status, that of an exceedingly long lifespan due to their yogic power and by the power of their penance. @mysql_sync


The seven holy sages were assigned to be present through the four great ages, to guide the human race. These seven sages or Sapta Rishis worked closely with Lord Shiva to maintain the balance on Earth. @khanna248 @rani_laxmibai


They are the seven mind-born sons of Brahma who live for a period of time known as a manvantara (306,720,000 Earth Years). During this period of time, they serve as representatives of Brahma and at the end of a manvantara.. @Bharatwashi1 @bharat__wale @Dharma_Yoddhaa

The universe gets destroyed and Saptarishi merge in God and the task of filling the Earth is given to newly appointed Saptarishi.All the Saptarishi are Brahmarishis which means they have completely understood the meaning of Brahman. @rightwingchora


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