TW/CW: ab*se

shoutout to snapchat for reminding me that 4 years ago this guy physically ab*sed me 🙃 i stayed for 6 more months after this and then got into a “healthy” relationship..
i hate that i know my relationships with guys are unhealthy and i stay because that’s the only “support” i get. but now shits changed and i have my cousin n sisters n close friend that have been there for me n help me n love me
and my now *ex* knew about the ab*se i endured from this guy ^ and STILL did some fuck shit like ??? now i know why it seemed like he had bad luck, it was actually karma cause he’s (in his own words) “a piece of shit”
ok probably gonna delete this thread cause i’m embarrassed n just needed an outlet
guys will have sisters and mothers and nieces and cousins that they “love” n love them but will still ab*se their gf like damn y’all surrounded by women n still are shitty toward them ???
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