It’s so depressing that Janelle is most likely leaving this week. I’m trying to list out some positives to make myself feel better..... (thread)

1) Janelle & Kaysar got to reunite! And it. was. EVERYTHING! Who would’ve thought we’d EVER see them again all?!
2) One of them could’ve easily left week one or two! We got THREE weeks!!!
3) Janelle has an awesome life that she gets to go back to instead of being stuck in jury!
4) Nicole, Dani, or Christmas didn’t get to be the one to pull the trigger. At least Tyler is a more respectable, non-catty player to go out by.
5) Kaysar gets to show what kind of game player he is on his own... Janelle got to go to final 3 twice already... it’s his turn - Maybe he’ll finally get to jury, maybe make it pretty far!
6) Janelle gets to come online to so much praise, root for Kaysar and Bayleigh with us, and rip on Nicole and Kevin with us 🥰
7) Janelle (well, Kaysar too) is probably the only houseguest who could pull off coming back FOUR times and STILL be just as loved as ever... while everyone else who tries usually leaves more hated.
8) With #BB22, she has truly cemented a golden legacy at this point. No one will ever come close. Only other person who can say they were in BOTH seasons of All Stars is Kaysar! The queen stays queen
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