Threats to children... Absolutely unthinkable to every group of travelling people New Agers are funny about protecting children, Irish Travellers are, Romany are, Circus are, like, there isn't a group who don't have a fierce and firey reputation regards Not Fucking With Kids.
Trusting a Tory and a landowner.



Who's fucking oppressing who here? Who's got the most power and means in our society and who's got the least? There is NO WAY this happened.

He'd have had every copper in the fucking force out inside 20 minutes.




Oh fuck off. A significant number of travellers aren't confident with internet banking, and those that are often haven't got reliable internet or electric.

Fuck right off.

And then fuck off some more.
Shitting fucking racist cunt from UKIP has picked the least liked minority our society has, grasped at a tennous connection to "alleged blackmail" and made something wild and idiotic up.

It fits the right wing/ libertarian agenda, and he's run with it.

The stunning prick.
It's a demonstrable fucking fact that Gypsy, Roma, Traveller ethnic minorities have no higher propensity to commit crimes than the majority, however we have a higher percentage of the prison population.

(Like white US teens do more dope, but black ones get incarcerated more).
Also a demonstrable fucking fact that when we do those crimes tend to be lower level offences, eg. Littering. Fighting.

Sometimes (rarely) a family refuse to leave a place without being paid off. That's extortion... It's not POISONING FUCKING BABY FOOD though.

Jesus Christ.
So this is stunningly obvious bullshit.

I am sure others will make far less sweary commentary.

But fucking HELL nothing could be more obviously untrue.

This is like accusing the Queen of robbing an off licence. It's so far out of what's imaginable as to be outrageous!!

And it wouldn't surprise me at all if he's about to have a lousy fucking time in prison because he could not have been more offensive if he'd burned the fucking Quaran on the steps of a mosque.

There are LINES mate. Holy Fuck.

So I am angry.
I am angry because I know there are people who in ignorance will believe this. I can literally think of people I could put names and faces to who will believe this. People who know my kids. People who influence them. People I (usually) have to see week in and week out.
I am angry because over time there's every possibility this will pass into fucking folklore. It will become ascribed to "a group of travellers" in spite of the fact IT'S ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS.

No travellers did this. Did not fucking happen.

Absolute cunt, with a racist agenda.
And even *if* it were true (IT IS NOT) what could you (yes YOU personally) ever be threatened with that would make you cut babies up?

There's not a damn thing on Earth that would make a normal man do that.

No sane man would go along with it. They wouldn't. YOU wouldn't.
I mean what, what could anyone threaten another person with, with death? You would CALL THE POLICE.

Especially if the threatener is from the least liked minority, and police are racist as fuck to that minority already.

If he wasn't already abject fucking scum for trying to MURDER A BABY


So nope, this thread is NSFW, and I don't even fucking care. Some things cannot be discussed adequately in insincere fucking language.

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