this is a story about underrated things in life.

a thread-
you’ve had a hard day. you’ve reached home after travelling for 3 hours in that cruel traffic and you’re completely drained. you barge into that lonely house of yours, in the 21st floor of a newly constructed building.
you throw your office bag on the couch and enter the washroom. after a super long shower, you grab a glass of milk, walk to the balcony and admire the beauty of the buzzling city.
it's almost 11 p.m.

you enter your living room, find a comfortable position on the couch, watch some web series on netflix for a while. insta, twitter and you’re done. your eyes are dragging you to bed. you walk into the bedroom and kiss your pillow.
you close your tired eyes, but you’re not able to sleep.

that guy who scolded you on the road, that project you haven’t yet completed, that client who abused you, that guy whom you wanted to date but couldn’t because he’s engaged, that aunty who hates you for no real reason-
that job which could’ve made you happy but you let go because of the low pay, and that moment in life where you thought you could be awesome, but you’re still stuck in a mundane average life pondering over possibilities in future
all these like a venom slowly taking your life one bit at a time, starts to creep in.
you close your eyes tightly hoping that you would eventually fall asleep, but nope. it’s all in vain. your mind starts projecting clear images now. you try to distort the image with your will to sleep, but you fail.
you roll over, you tug in that pillow between your legs and try to make yourself comfortable. better? still a big no. you give up. you open your eyes, and stare at the ceiling.
your eyes keep closing, but what’s the point? you’re in a vicious internal conflict. you walk to the balcony, think of all the good things in life and come back in.
its 2 a.m.

you’re still tired and thinking about the next presentation which you’re gonna screw up because of a bad night. you’ve got no choice. you accept it.
you start thinking about the footpath dwellers who sleep like there’s no tomorrow and you envy them for a moment. how good would it be, only if i could sleep like them?
you’ve got a fat bank balance, you’ve got a comfortable house, the best air-conditioner in town, people around you, friends and family, and yet, you’re missing the most essential thing in life;
a peaceful mind and a good night’s sleep.

that’s one of the most underrated things in life. you’ll never know its value until you’ve lost it.

-end of thread-
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