cw rape and abuse, caps letters, vent post and rant


Fucking Believe! Victims! The accused being part of an oppressed minority doesn't throw away an accusation bc they're oppressed! Anyone can be a fucking abuser! Anyone can be a fucking rapist!
Cash and hand held money exists! You have advantage and power in a situation if it is YOUR house, YOUR state! Digital receipts aren't solid fucking proof when cash can pay for things without a fucking trail. When transit cards exist that won't charge you every time you use them!
Fuck! Believe victims, damnit! You aren't the fucking justice system, and coming forward about being raped and abused is fucking hard as shit. And people *will* hate you for that shit, for saying the truth, either to protect others or to get justice.
Coming forward with a fucking accusation isn't a funsies thing people are doing to mess with someone from a minority group. Especially when even friends are disputing some of the shit you're using to defend yourself!
Let me give you some perspective:
Most victims can and will self harm through looking at the things they shared with their abusers and rapists. That includes screenshots. You can't fucking blame someone for not having them at a moment's fucking notice.
You can't blame victims for deleting things that remind them of their abuser/rapist! You can't blame them for trying to distance themselves from things that will hurt them!!!
Stop! Making! Victims! Jump through hoops to be fucking listened to!!!
And in case some dickhead finds this later, because no, i don't want any of our system to delete this thread, I'm a fucking rape and abuse survivor myself. I'm angry as shit at the way I see some of y'all talking about this. You want my vent credentials, there they fucking are.
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