why @al_simping is ACTUALLY a simp: a thread made to end the “ i am not a simp “ saga
definition of simping:
valuing someone so much that they take over your mind and become all you talk about
let’s start off with the “ take over over your mind “ part of the definition, when you scroll through her profile, with every scroll you will find a post related to cyrille WITH EVERY SCROLL YOU’LL FIND A CYRILLE TWEET not only that but their pfp, layout, AND pinned is cyrille
they are also self aware that they tweet about him everyday, which means they are completely in their right mind when they tweet about him, their finger DID NOT “ slip “ like they always say it does
they always say to themselves “ AlSimp mod shut it “ if that’s how much what they say, imagine HOW MUCH they don’t say, they simp secretly but publicly deny it
THEY DEDICATED LITERAL POETRY ABOUT CYRILLE???? THAT IS PEAK SIMPERY PLEASE???? they took time and their fingers typed out “ cyrille “ willingly for one person, all to appreciate ONE person CYRILLE
they literally BASE their standards on cyrille they BASE their standards on one man they view cyrille as perfection and the perfect one for them, cyrille is the only one on their mind i swear of you talk to them they will somehow relate cyrille to anything which is very iconic
being a cyrille stan has now became their personality trait AND their lifestyle, if something “ takes over “ you and you “ value it to a huge point “ you fall under the category of “ simp “ directly i do not make the rules it is literally in the definition
if you obsess over a character’s hands you are automatically a simp i don’t even need to say anything here this is the way you identify a simp, if they simp for a very small detail they are one, she at some point simped over cyrille’s gloves too and now she is simping over NAILS
the dms THEY EVEN SIMP IN THE DMS cyrille has basically taken over their life that they tweet about him, have him as their layout everywhere, have him as their pinned, relate him to everything, DEDICATE SONGS TO HIM, and even bring him up in dms
when they bring him up in dms what do they say?“ my hands slipped “ NO THEY DID NOT even if their hand really slipped then that will prove further that they indeed ARE a simp because your fingers are so used to typing out cyrille and simping for him that it now became accidental?
remember when they were making that one “ AL characters as your classmates thread “ ? also in that context they had cyrille as their main and as their favorite and they even admitted to thinking of him too much
In conclusion, @al_simping falls under all the categories for a simp, THEREFORE THEY ARE A SIMP
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