Some asked for a realistic description of the danger we’re in. Okay, it’s not pretty. There is literally not a single institution capable of saving us, they were all taken over before 2016, and our key leadership positions are filled with enemies pretending to be friends.
The entire thing hinges on people not knowing this and because the national media is under the control of our enemies, there’s no platform that can reach the entire country to warn them. If you try telling an averagesomeone, they won’t believe it and will shut down or get angry.
We have social media, but enemy infiltrators have poisoned the well by setting a comedy club and fantasy tone such that warnings are buried under jokes and wishful thinking. People will always choose to believe that Trump is imminently going down versus the opposite.
So you can’t even warn people that we are in trouble and being led by our enemies, it just can’t get through. So we’re fighting with more than half of our people totally asleep. When effective communicators arise, they are smeared by a coordinated network of influencers.
This has been the situation for four years. During this time, our enemies have further consolidated power to the point where they can destroy the post office knowing there will be no resistance. They’re going to steal the election and no one will stop them. No one believes this.
The only way out of this there ever was is mass protest, but because there are dozens of fake magic bullets each of which have a cult following, it is not possible to convince people we need to act. And we have less than 90 days to remedy this.
People trust the election, or the FBI, or the CIA, or Cyrus Vance, or Nancy Pelosi, you will even find people insisting that the government Trump now controls will turn into a pumpkin on a certain date and lead him out of the White House in handcuffs. Nothing snaps them out of it
Even worse, people trust the rule of law which has been so obviously and thoroughly destroyed. “Trump can’t do that” is one of the most common false assurances you will find even though precedent suggests that yes, he can and will.
Does this make you feel good? Are you happier hearing this? Of course not. And so the cognitive dissonance, the ugliness of it repels the average person and they retreat into fantasy and escapism and alcoholism. We are disabled by entertainment and distraction on doomsday’s eve.
And yet, there’s hope. There is a slim window when people will be forced to reckon with reality and before the seizure of power is complete. Perhaps then they can be galvanized to action when there is no other choice. But it is a slim, slim window within roughly 90 days.
Even then, it means civil unrest. It means fistfighting q cultists in the streets. It means dodging rubber bullets. It means blood and struggle and horror. And unless you, personally, are ready to go through hell to win we will end up in hell but without even a struggle.
If you are not willing to die for the country, then it will surely kill you. You’re on a list, we’re all on a list, and our enemies will purge anyone that poses a danger to the new order to the cheers of Q cultists. And that is the realistic assessment of the situation.
You can follow @benFranklin2018.
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