why chihiro fujisaki's written arc is transphobic and also sexist, a much needed thread:
from the moment chihiro was referred to with he/him pronouns after they found out her genitalia
having a character reveal themselves to be "crossdressing" by focusing on the physical biology of the character is transphobic, or at the very least plays into anti trans rhetoric because of misgendering someone based on their biology.
there are lots of narratives written with this trope and it sadly can be quite common in anime games!! there's nothing wrong with men who crossdress to present as feminine btw - it's just the way that it's done!
as for the sexism: the idea that chihiro is seen as "weak" because she dresses feminine while being biologically male plays not only into misogyny but toxic masculinity as well! men are not weak for wearing dresses.
trans women are more than welcome to use their voices in this thread- this is just a few that bothered me but im sure other ppl have good points as well so lemme know what u think
also ill be hiding any "chihiro is canonically [X]!!!!!" replies because i dont want it to get out of hand lmfao
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