#WalkAway: "I have been a Conservative Democrat all my life because that is what my parents were. They strongly believed that the Democrats were for the poor-middle class people and the Republicans were for the rich. I grew up in a very poor side of town in San Antonio, TX; 1/x
however, my parents always taught us that hard work & making good decisions in life could allow us to make the American Dream come true. So we did not grow up with a victim mentality and did well for ourselves.

Honestly, I’ve been eligible to vote for over 25 years but have 2/x
only voted 2x in my life; once for Bill Clinton and once for Obama. In the 2016 elections; I felt that there were no good candidates so I just did not vote. I figured politics did not impact me. Yes, I know that was stupid! Although, I really disliked Trump for saying, “ 3/x
Mexicans were rapist and drug dealer”. (I let media blind me.); when he won, I felt it was my obligation to respect him anyways as the POTUS.

In 2019, I moved to Portland, OR and after George Floyd died; it has become a war zone here. For the 1st time in my life, I saw 4/x
how “hate” could destroy a whole society. I saw how our Mayor, Democrat, lied about the situation and how the media was lying too. I started to research the facts about Trump and Biden. I went to government websites directly and old data from the late 90s till today. To 5/x
my surprised I realized that I had been lied to all my life by the Democrat party. They were never for the poor/middle class people. Their goal is to keep the poor people poor to control them. They want to create a bigger division in our social class and they promote hate 6/x
through lies.

Trump was never the person I thought he was and now I pray for him to be protected everyday because I’ve never seen a man be attacked so much. He promotes the true American Dream and he truly is for the American people.

I got at least 7 other people to see 7/x
the truth and all I pray for is that we still continue to be a “Free Republic”. I love America and what it stands for.

This groups has been a true blessing." - Bea 🇺🇸 8/8
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