Since people seem over hyped, I’m going share a few points on 

1/ turning complete is actually bad for DeFi apps - it opens virtually unlimited attack vectors. Eth got away with this as a legacy layer one not because it’s desirable.
2/ the assertion that proof of stake is unsafe because economically driven actors will unstake for better interest elsewhere. While true, the correct counter is simply increasing on-chain staking rewards when it happens. #notanissue
3/ not having value at stake and economic slashing is most certainly foolish for securing DeFi app transactions and oracles.
4/ I’m quite happy flare is opening the DeFi narrative to xrp and that xrp is getting into altcoin madness through this. It’s about time.
5/ people get hyped on the narrative - but let’s remember it will take time to deploy and recruit developers. Even harder on an xrp chain. Expect 6-12 months before we see a usable app that is “DeFi” like we know it.
6/ I’m very skeptical knowing the lifts to deploy a blockchain and develop financial applications. BUT I’m excited to see what comes out of this, if successful, it will be a very nice catalyst for XRP
7/ Lastly, I’m very curious to see if the DeFi pumps and mania can extend to the xrp “stablish” coin market. There is always a chance that xrp liquidity spills to its first true altcoin and it goes bonkers on exchanges.
You can follow @Brianhkerr.
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