Visit 21 to @KingsIslandPR and a lot just straight up happened, some good, some bad.. Started things off by riding Banshee by myself because things worked out that way.. I went up today with my brother and relatives that aren't either of my parents n saw other family members plus
some family friends! Talked plenty to people today yay! Race For Your Life Charlie Brown was the next stop before we met up with others at the Brewhouse!
Got a refill there before by myself heading to the @LaRosasPizza Rivertown location and I brought the meal back to the Brewhouse where I enjoyed it, the dipping sauce was hot in temperature! Relative of mine was indecisive about riding Mystic so I end up with some others riding
Diamondback and Mystic Timbers! After that, me and my brother legit rode a bunch together: The Beast, Backlot Stunt Coaster, Shake Rattle & Roll, Windseeker, and antique cars! Met up with everyone again with some more peeps too before riding antique cars again, Zephyr, Blue
Racer(which got delayed because some people were using their phones ON THE RIDE AND SECURITY CAME), Banshee twice in the dark(effing awesome), and Delrium! I must acknowledge the problematic people I had to put up with because human pests ARE A PROBLEM.. Before Delrium, there
were some instances of people sucking at social distancing that were annoying and at the Racer, an employee was watching the line with great intensity! But what the fudgesicles: there was this large group behind us in line for Delrium right and there were several problematic
people among them.. This dude was the most ignorant of social distancing time wise of the problematics but THAT WAS MILD.. Eventually while several of us were restraining someone in our group from hurting someone else in the group, the group behind us stopped caring about
distancing and were right behind our butts essentially.. There's like 90k Covid cases just in Ohio.. This Karen type volcano was at first like while we all out here skipping a bit of the line that was empty: “just go around” and that was like radium compared to plutonium as guess
what? So, I'm stiff and tired and the least pissed off of us all and I say to the group behind us calmly mind you essentially to obey the distancing more.. After like 30 seconds of some reasoning, ‘cano Karen starts commanding me with “Turn around turn around” repeating when I'm
having a relatively okay encounter here.. I only turned around at the urging of people in my group because THEY WERE REASONABLE! Volcano Karens are the worst! Heading towards the park entrance, this one male teenager was out here elbowing us for no reason and telling us to shut
up when we were being pretty chill well I was my bro was being stern a bit about distancing.. What a running turd! 2 minutes later, here they are again supposedly trying to make peace when they were clearly that edgy annoying teen type I see plenty at the schools Ive been to who
causes trouble and pretends to be sorry/friendly.. What do we call a male Karen? Kevin??
So after all that, I get some @Skyline_Chili to take home and on the way to the car, 3 in our now group of 5 end up loosing track of us and the other person who didn't get lost went to look for em(it was her fault the being lost happened but that was a mistake, perfectly okay)!
Why is the visit a literal metaphor for 2020?!?!?! I don't care too much about all the little grammar things in this thread as I wrote it while heading home and wanted to get it done which I barely did! Add ons: there were people smoking in the park again good grief, one of them
was smoking pot even.. The high school I went to has a serious smoking and ding dong head problem btw.. To clarify: @BlueFang21 is my brother and I should be asleep right now
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