》 The ¥3sung Diet 《
Remember ; he has some type of disordered eating he doesn’t like to put on weight and he rarely eats dinner (or so from what i heard)
Another thing: His members said that he’s eating healthy again or so and they look after him. This could b the case but he probs still struggles with his self image and will most likely go back to extreme dieting once they have a cb.
Diet: He claimed he ate every other day. So Day 1 he eats and then Day 2 he doesn’t and so on.
He lost 17lbs/8kg in a month.
He rarely ate dinner while dieting he skips dinner.
Exercise: I don’t really know about exercise but what I do know is that he walks a lot and i mean a lot. He used to post how much he walked on instagram and he once had 40k steps so.. walk if you can
Exercise 2: Maybe do some Kpop dances like your fav bg or gg song. Learn the dance and put your effort into it. Examples try a s3v3nt33n dance or a Gfr13nd one they burn a lot. My fav is Cr4y0n P0P Bar Bar Bar.
That’s it - End of Thread
And to add what i mean by put on weight is that he has/had a strong negative self confidence image against himself. He has been hardcore dieting for a long time I hope he can find peace within bc I truly hate to see him struggle
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