I spent all day on the Blue Lives Matter side. They seemed to trust me. Oops. I couldn't upload while I was on their side so I'll start a thread now.

I got hit in the eye, covered in motor oil, eggs, and bear mace, so send me a buck if you can.

http://moneyyy.me/$WhatRiot  https://twitter.com/_whatriot/status/1297327855492202496
License plate
"Hey guys, let's wrap this up. Let's get out of here."

"Lets get into the Terry Schrunk park."

"No not the park, the cops don't want us there."
Fat chud attacks and get swarmed. 🐝🐝🐝
Chud pancake
This guy really didn't want his picture taken
Covered in motor oil
They actually did this... 🤢
"Do me a favor. Don't take mine [picture]"


"Because I formed another group. I've been out there videoing them and calling them terrorists"
This is him
"All commies are bastards"
You hate to see it, feat. Alan Swinney
"You know how you don't get shot by cops? You comply, and don't be an asshole."
"Get loaded. Get your guns ready." https://twitter.com/pnwantifascist/status/1297294215819354112
Big guy shooting plastic rounds into a crowd. I got nailed in the eye with a water bottle by an antifa super sniper.
Guy slams a bottle of strawberry milk and gets wild. Alan Swinney reminds everyone they're LARPing as cops.
"You're gonna dox me huh?"

"Nah, nah, nah."
"GET READY FOR THE CHARGE!" aka Inciting a riot. Also I had Alan's shield for about 30 minutes before someone asked me for it 😭
The charge and quick retreat
😂 https://twitter.com/ivy_pdx/status/1297377216972480514
Proud Boys attack @SnackVanTM and we all get maced. 🥵🌶
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