High functioning simply means that when you have challenges it will be attributed to your character.

You’re not trying.

You’re lazy.

You’re making excuses.

You’re being a victim.

Functioning labels take self-agency from some and support and accommodations from others.
Telling autistic people how “high functioning” we are is not a compliment.

What it says is that you can’t fully see and accept our challenges and all their nuances.
Disability ≠ Inability

Disability doesn’t necessarily mean we are unable to do or achieve something.

Disability may simply mean that we can’t do it like you do, as fast as you do, as easily as you do, or without help like you do.
Our resolve and tenacity to navigate a world not built for us, doesn’t cancel out our disability.

It’s doesn’t mean that we were supported and accommodated enough.

Too many are content to allow disabled people to struggle in avoidable ways like it’s character building.
It’s telling that when people hear about disabled people pushing through exterior challenges they get “inspired”, but such inspiration never lends itself into making this world a more accepting and accommodating place for disabled people.
We don’t exist to make you feel warm and fuzzy inside.

When you see us struggle, emphasize with us.

See us.
You can follow @AllAutistics.
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