ZX map explained thread. Please retweet and/or bookmark for references as well to help newbies out!
Mega man ZX is one of my favorite games of all time, but it has a big issue: it’s map. Mega man ZX is a Metroidvania style game, with the levels connected to each other, which is very different from most platformer mega man games.
The open world aspect is amazing, but unfortunately the map doesn’t really explain where to go, nor do the missions. So I decide to compile a few clips and screenshots of where to go for most missions! I really hope this can help newbies or long time players who forget the map.
Also for newbies: yes their will be spoilers. Nothing is massive until the very end but if you want to be blind keep that in mind. Now without further ado, lets being!
I’m going to be starting off with area B. You’ll need to go here for the giro mission but will be back here a bit later. This is probably the quickest area to get too but it’s easy to miss it with how it’s above the transerver area. https://twitter.com/megsauraZX/status/1297348866749034496
Now we move onto area C which has at least 3 entrances, that are tied to area A, B and D. I’ll start off with Area B’s entrance first since it’s the easiest. After you finish the giro mission if you decide to do it first, leave the transerver and you’ll be in area C.
Here’s other alternatives entrance to area C but I don’t recommend unless you plan to do the guardian mission first rather then giro’s. https://twitter.com/megsauraZX/status/1297348955118768129
Next is other entrance to area C while also being a entrance to Area D. This one will make more sense once I link how to get to area D via area B but you can immediately enter Area D from Area C if you do the guardian mission first via the red transerver. https://twitter.com/megsauraZX/status/1297351389476085760
And here’s other entrance to area D: I recommend doing this as a exit to area D to get to area B if you did the guardian mission first to do the giro mission but you can backtrack to the start that mission if you did giro’s first as shown in last tweet. https://twitter.com/megsauraZX/status/1297349262406119424
Next I’ll be doing the pseduriod bosses.
You can pick half of the pseudoriods at the start but I’ll be doing them in element order. So highvolts first and he’s the quickest. You get to him be traveling through area C and at the very end, you’ll enter area E. https://twitter.com/megsauraZX/status/1297349458275921922
The second electric pseduoriod hurricane, is also very fast to get, area I is right outside of area E transerver. So you can do his mission immediately after defeating highvolt since after you beat a element, you’ll unlock the other one.
Next is area G. You’ll have to through Area D to get it but it’s very simple to do. Once there, you’ll fight fistelo who’s fire, so make sure you get model H from highvolt so you have a advantage! https://twitter.com/megsauraZX/status/1297349674232250368
Next is area K, which is in area C.
For this, you must enter this door after you finish the area G mission.
Run through to area K. It’s pretty easy to navigate but showing what it looks like so you know your in the right place. https://twitter.com/megsauraZX/status/1297349950125178880
And here’s where things get longer ho boy. The videos will be split up now. So here’s the route to area F, a ice area. You’ll have to go back to area B. https://twitter.com/megsauraZX/status/1297350090793684992
Once you get closer to area F, you’ll need to hit a switch, then you’ll enter this area. Once you pass through you’ll be in Area F, which you’ll know by the snow. https://twitter.com/megsauraZX/status/1297350255449526274
And here’s the second ice stage, area J, which is weirdly by area A but it’s technically also a water stage. You’ll have to backtrack all the way to when you first entered area A at the beginning, but then go further and come to this cave area. https://twitter.com/megsauraZX/status/1297350457652699136
Now here’s the entrance to area J. It’s pretty quick once inside but remember this pathway because you will be back here later for other stage, which will get to in a couple of tweets. https://twitter.com/megsauraZX/status/1297350571138019329
Now onto area H, which holds the boss of the neutral element. You’ll once again have to go through area A but this time have to climb some pathways to get to it. Make sure you don’t miss the jump or you’ll fall but it shouldn’t be a problem as long as you have model H. https://twitter.com/megsauraZX/status/1297350721315037185
Now here’s the full entrance to area H. Pretty straight forward, just climb the pathways up until you see the door and enter the amusement park. https://twitter.com/megsauraZX/status/1297350801333972992
Now we move onto the last pseudoriod stage, which is in area H. After you beat the boss in area H, you’ll get a purple card. There is a purple cat door right after the mini boss of this area is defeated in which you can enter. I recommend going through area H backwards after that
And now we have the final 3 stages. Area M is in the same place as where you entered Area J, so retrace you’re steps and you’ll be there. https://twitter.com/megsauraZX/status/1297350981579988993
Area O a pretty straight forward one as long as you made sure to save at the area D transerver once before. If not, your most likely going to be backtracking through area D. https://twitter.com/megsauraZX/status/1297351105102229504
And finally, while not a area, I’m going to put where the final level is: it’s right outside of the Area D transerver, but from the other side. Just go by this door and you’ll enter it.
And that concludes the thread!
If anyone has any other alternative routes, let me know and I’ll add them since I might have missed a few. Also don’t worry about ZXA, it actually has a map and the Hub world is nowhere as confusing as the first game. But anyways, hope this helped!
You can follow @megsauraZX.
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