Starting a thread sharing the process of turning a raw land into Camp Gregan*.

After spending last summer in the woods, we decided we wanted more of that.

Not a home, but Nature, somewhere the opposite of city. To be In It.
We found a good fit.
- 2 hours from NYC
- Logged about 100 years ago, nothing since then.
- Cheap (hard to do conventional development on because of access & base rock)
- weird shape
- end of road on top of hill.
- close to towns along a rail trail
We bought cash. You can do land mortgages but it's like 7% and max 10 years.

We made a budget including the first years requirements (camping deck etc), and stuck to it.

That was a bit hard. It always seemed like something perfect was *just* too much.
Offer to closing was faster. We had a survey done, lawyer etc. But there isn't any appraisal, no bank, no house to inspect. Fast, and a bit anti-climactic.

No keys to hand over.

"Okay, they're your trees now."
Last weekend we did a sitemap walking around it. Driveway, utility shed, camping deck.


We also noted good treehouse trees.
Today was my first real day making headway.
- Put up some outdoor yard tool sheds
- Cleared the decking site ground cover
- Graveled and leveled footing post sites.
- Put together a sawhorse
- Cut 4x4s for posts (hacky)
- made an 8'x8' frame

This is it. Us, tiny in Nature.
The work was hard, I made stupid mistakes, and my back is going to be grumpy tomorrow.

I had to lug everything about 1/8th of a mile into the woods.

I'm literally backpacking pebbles and lumber into the forest (cc @choffstein).
So yeah, I loved it. Can't wait to do more.
Brief interlude of recommended reading.

First up: "The Woodland Homestead" by Brett McLeod, Philip Ackerman-Leist.

Excellent, concise overview of how to take woodland and make it sustainably produce a variety of benefits. 
Second, "Working Alone" by John Carroll.

A how to guide for doing construction work by yourself. As @DaveNadig told me, with tools and planning you can do pretty much anything.

Clamps are 🥇. 
* Name provisional. Not approved by any other stakeholders.
You can follow @daniel_egan.
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