Given the current political climate I decided to investigate the 2016 election.

My hope is to investigate what effects our election process and our habits as voters. A hypothesis will be drawn upon the conclusion of this very small investigation. One might call this.. a thread.
This election season is very much like 2016.

Here we have two candidates who aren’t neccessarily ideal. And so much responsibility lies on those who are eligible to vote. So lets talk. How on earth did we get here?
First I must point out that the signs were all there. Several polls indicated that Hillary Clinton was not the best candidate to choose to prevent a Trump Presidency.

All of the polls predicted that Hillary VS Trump would be a close election.
Despite all of the evidence Hillary won and she was declared the Democratic Nominee for President.

But it was long predicted that this was risky.
Hillary was developing a questionable representation among many voters and I will explain a few reasons why.
As the election grew nearer we began to examine Hillary’s record with the Black community. Footage began to emerge of Hillary supporting a 1996 crime bill. She referred to Black suspects as “superpredators” and stated that they had “no conscience”.
There are several videos of Hillary having conversations with Black activist that were seen as insensitive.

Many felt that this was a opportunity for Hillary to right many wrongs. But many of her efforts fell flat. Which we will talk about more.
The controversy with Hillary’s emails also harmed her credibility.

Although Hillary wasn’t found breaking the law there was still suspicion that she didn’t follow government policy.
Donald Trump didn’t have a great reputation. This man has been both overtly and covertly racist.

Trump was sued for refusing to rent to Black tennants. He was also accused of calling Black people “lazy”. In a interview in 1997 he casually confirmed that this was true.
Here we have two unfavorable candidates and it seems that things only got worse when you looked at their record. But we have to.

In 2016 (much like 2020) sexual assault allegations were coming to light.
Donald Trump has more than 25 allegations against him going all the way back to the early 80s. He is accused of both sexual harrassment and sexual assault.

He is even seen on camera talking about grabbing a woman’s privates without consent.
Donald Trump’s record was obviously horrendous and he was even accused of sexually assaulting his wife.
As Trump’s allegations came to light so did Bill Clinton’s .

Now you may ask why Hillary would be brought up in this. I will gladly explain why I brought this up.
Hillary has a history of slandering women who spoke up about affairs with Bill Clinton. Aides even came forward and stated that she helped him settle lawsuits where he was sued for groping a woman.

When these things came forward they did not help her reputation.
So here we have two candidates, both with troubling issues on each sides.

And these issues I discussed greatly effected Election Day 2016.
Election Day 2016 came and Trump won the presidency.

Yeah I know, it sucks.

But lets get to the good stuff. Why’d it happen?
Although Hillary had almost 3 million more votes she lost the election.

Hillary has more votes than any candidate who has lost the election.
But why did she lose?
Trump won more key areas like PA and FL. There for he had more electoral college votes.

There was even momentum to try to get them to switch votes to honor the popular vote but no one budged. Even politicians tried to introduce bills to get rid of the electoral college.
Hillary lost.

So naturally here comes the blame game. But lets take a look at what was going through the minds of voters at this time.
Over 100 million eligible voters didn’t go to the polls in 2016 but the reasons may not be what you think.

Lets look at the polls.
In this survey 25% of the people said that they didn’t vote because they didn’t like the candidate. 15% didn’t vote because they felt their vote didn’t make a difference.

The other issues are very telling and show that voting is not as accessible as IT SHOULD BE.
Now although many people stayed home in 2016 , this isn’t that unusual.

Contrary to popular belief more people voted in 2016 than 2012. Although it is true that fewer democrats went to the polls in 2016.
It is also true that fewer Black people went to the polls. But MANY PEOPLE fail to tell you why. They would rather have you believe that “Black people just don’t care”.

Lets investigate this. Because this is absolutely NOT TRUE.
Hillary had more support among Black supporters more than ANY other group. Which means that Black people did more to prevent Trump than anybody.

Lets make that clear before I move any further.
2016 was the first election since the Supreme Court weakened the Voters Right Act in 2013.

What does this mean? It means that it was much harder to vote in 2016 than it was in 2012. And research PROVED that Black voters (who typically vote democrat) were harmed the most.
Weakening the Voters Rights Acts# meant that it was easier to pass strict ID laws.

Research has shown again and again that these laws help keep Black and Brown people from voting.
Also in regards to swing voters only 7% voted outside their party and many of them voted for Trump.

Most of these voters again were white.
Another factor that certainly effected the election were Facebook ads.

Many unfavorable ads were ran on Hillary but they were not fact checked and regulated like ads for TV. This was such a problem that congress had to get involved.
After reviewing the evidence I’ve come to several conclusions.
1. I have concluded that there is evidence that fewer democrats voted in 2016.

However the reasons vary. And until voting is completely accessible it is both illogical and irresponsible to blame any election results on those who do not vote.
2. I have found that Black voters did more to prevent a Trump Presidency than any other group in this country.
3. I have found that many voters did not engage in 2016’s election because they did not feel heard and they did not feel that their voice mattered. I also found that many didn’t vote because of issues registering, illness and issues with transportation.
4. I have found that the overall voter turn out in 2016 was not as low as people thought. In every election there are millions who do not vote.
5. I have concluded that a nominees reputation does matter to voters. But it appears that over 90% of voters will vote within their party.

Which seems to debunk the myth of the “angry traitor” who votes for the other party when unsatisfied. This is not common.
I did this thread because many of you blame the 2016 election on nonvoters and voters who are vocal about being unsatisfied.

I feel that is a very tone deaf assessment.
Millions of people didn’t vote because they didn’t feel heard and they didn’t think their voice matters. The evidence proves this.

Why would you then tell people to “shut up and vote”. You are decreasing engagement you aren’t encouraging it.
Also in 2016 we had two candidates who have caused harm. In 2020 we have the same obstacle.

In 2016 people were harrassed and eaten alive for so much as questioning candidates and we are seeing the same behavior. But you expect everyone to go to the polls. Its illogical.
Also very much like 2016 we have people telling people to vote but they are not addressing voter suppression such as ID laws, long lines, and lack of transportation.

Stop suggesting that most of us JUST DONT CARE. You sound like the elite.
Also in 2016 there were a little over 1 million Black people who didn’t vote. But if you aren’t addressing the institutional problems keeping us from voting and the ongoing concerns? You aren’t really helping are you?
Also in my reading theres really not proof that “people talking bad online” hurts candidates.

During election season we ALWAYS review it records, interviews, etc. Its common.
So instead of silencing people let them hold candidates accountable. Most people ARE VOTING WITHIN THEIR PARTY.

And more than 90% of Black voters are not voting for Trump. So I should never see any of you shaking your fingers at BLACK VOTERS. You’re talking to the WRONG ONES.
Also I did this thread because you all need to realize it is the job of politicians to hear our concerns and earn our vote.

Allow people to be vocal this election season. Don’t just yell “vote” like a parrot listen to peoples concerns and call out voter suppression!
We have to stop blaming the public.

We have to listen more.

And if this election is truly as important as you say it is then let people talk openly and honestly about candidates.
Talking over people and shaming people to vote didn’t roll over well in 2016. So maybe lets not do that this year. LISTEN TO THE CONCERNS OF VOTERS.
That concludes my study and thank you for your time.
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