Robert Pattinson, an absolute chaos entity who has the entire world at his fingertips and just does not care, is the PERFECT choice to play Bruce Wayne/Batman, an absolute chaos entity who has the entire world at his fingertips and chooses to fight crime while cosplaying as a bat
My only wish is that instead of having a script and an actual movie planned out, they'd just provided costumes, sets, and a bunch of extras but no script, and told Robert Pattinson "you are Batman. Do Batman things and we will film you."
I want to see Batman as improvised by RPattz. This is the movie my whole heart and soul desire
I would be COMPLETELY FINE if this led to a three hour film that was just the man in question pitching his weird baked pasta franchise, but in the persona of Bruce Wayne

More than fine, actually, I'd be THRILLED
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