Hazel when Simon lays a finger on Grace #infinitytrain #simonhateclub
Every time you're mad just blame it on Simon I have no respect for him and would personally beat his ass if he was a real person. Spoilers// He has such a victim complex and treats everyone one around him like shit, using his trauma as an excuse to literally MURDER a 6 (cont)
(cont) year old's mother (?) and then look her in the eyes and admit to murdering her only family,,, Even if he got attacked by the cockroach hounds (or whatever) and was abandoned by his friend, he got to live with the knowledge that she was alive and talk to her multiple (cont)
(4/??) times while Hazel has to live with her mother's death as a SIX YEAR OLD. Simon constantly wants to be in control of Grace and emotionally manipulates her with their friendship and blaming her for his hurt. He doesn't trust nulls, which is understandable, but the (cont)
(5/???) nulls he's killed have been distant and unknown. Tuba and (especially) Hazel had been nothing but kind to him but, along with his trauma, he used his stubbornness, selfishness, obsessive control, victim complex, unchecked anger, need to be validated, and hatred of (cont)
(6/???) of himself and others (as well as a complete disregard and understanding of his only [?] friend's feelings) for his own benefit and as an excuse for physically trying to control his friend, deceiving children and animals, victimizing himself, completely invading (cont)
(7/???) others' privacy, using his hurt to manipulate and demean others, making a small child fear for her life, getting upset that he isn't trusted for being untrustworthy, never admitting that he is in the wrong, yelling at and gas lighting everyone around him, treating (cont)
(8/???) children, friends, and animals (who fully trusted him) like garbage and KILLING again KILLING a 6 year old's only family member who trusted and loved you. Simon is a little bitch and I might return to this thread and just remind everyone that he is THE WORST
Tuba: *trusts Simon and is a sweet cute innocent loving momma*
Simon's demonic ass:
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