I just got back from seeing a friend in food service, and she says servers at her restaurant are averaging 10 percent in tips right now. TEN PERCENT. I thought we all had said it enough already, but apparently not: 20 PERCENT IS THE MINIMUM YOU TIP, ESP. DURING A PANDEMIC.
I’m not exaggerating when I say that servers are *RISKING THEIR LIVES* to serve you a fucking burger. They deserve hazard pay; they are rarely getting hazard pay. Takeout, delivery, whatever — you tip 20 percent minimum.
Yes, restaurant owners should pay servers a living wage! Also, you should tip at least 20 percent because you probably don’t know how much that server is making!
Here’s the thing that’s blowing my mind about these replies: Let’s say that restaurant you like eliminates tipping in favor of raising the wages of the average employee. Restaurant owners raise the prices of their dishes to do so. You’d still be spending the same amount. (1/2)
If you can’t afford to eat at a restaurant and tip fairly, *go to a cheaper restaurant and tip fairly.* (Or cook at home, though I understand the limits there.) If you’re not tipping fairly, you’re just creating economic insecurity for someone else. (2/2)
Basically: Yes, systemic change is what we need. People need to be paid fairly. I’d *love* to see more restaurant workers unionize! But you can do *one thing* to make a restaurant worker’s life a little more stable when you go out to eat; start there.
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