Nah, we compare it because how many anime were slandered by the Naruto fanbase. How many times have the Bleach, Black Clover, and One Piece fanbase heard Naruto fans laugh at Bleach for being on hiatus, call Black Clover a Naruto Clone, and slander OP without even watching it?
Not to mention that the fanbase started the whole ">" then ask why they're being compared. When I 1st got on here, the Naruto fanbase used ">" on One Piece to claim they are the best. And then when I looked at the comments, the majority haven't even seen it.
And then when you try to debate with most of them, they don't want to talk, have no arguments, and if you disagree you get blocked lmao 😂
One Piece, Bleach, Gintama, Fairy Tail, Black Clover, and My Hero are the anime that have been slandered by the fanbase that I know of. They honestly slander anything that isn't Naruto 😂
This isn't even towards the chill Naruto fans, because y'all are cool. This is towards the fanbase, the majority of them. Don't be blind to your own fanbase.
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