hi!! here’s a sex toy education/safety thread bc sex toys are not regulated !! like at all !!

so there are many common materials in sex toys that may be ,, terrible for you and that’s not what we want !!
here are some common unsafe materials you’ll find, these are porous, meaning they harbor bacteria VERY easily, and are impossible to properly clean. they’re also toxic, so,, yknow

TPR/TPE, jelly, rubber, PVC, cyberskin
these materials have what you could call,, pores,, so bacteria gets in there, and they can’t be properly cleaned beyond their surface.

this makes it go STOOPID when it comes to keeping bacteria n shut in there,, which means infections, STIs if you’ve shared the toy etc.
sometimes these toys also feel very,, sticky

that’s because they’re softened with oils and then it gets broken down and it’s just not !! a good time !!
you CAN use condoms on these toys so backfires doesn’t build up in the pores, BUT! the oil,, oil breaks down /latex/ condoms.
so! ideally, don’t use porous toys at all, but if you do, please use non-latex confirms each time. ideally polyurethane or nitrile condoms, as they are compatible with oils!
these condoms are,, pretty expensive tho. and the whole reason people buy porous toys is because they’re cheaper! so it kinda defeats the purpose
so let’s get into the safe materials!

silicone, ABS hard plastic, metal, glass, and wood,,, yes,,, wood🧍🏻
these toys tend to be a BIT more expensive, but they’re not toxic, they’re 100% safe for your body, and will last !! longer !!

i can link a few toys under $30 at the end of this thread if anyone’s interested 😳✋
some sites though,, may claim to have silicone toys, when they’re not actually.
this happens A LOT on amazon, which is why i urge you to not buy from there. they also tend to sell knock-offs,, which is why half the time it’s not actually silicone
my favorite sex shop to buy from us actually http://early2bed.com 
this is how it shows up in your bank statements btw for those with joint bank accs w their parent(s)
http://adameve.com  is obviously a very popular one, but they do sell toys made from toxic and porous materials states above, so be careful !
also “ADAMEVECOM” shows up on your bank statements so that’s not very sexy🧍🏻

there’s multiple ways to do this, but the most common and easiest way is to just use warm water and soap!

you can also boil them, disinfect them in your dish washer (it’s odd but,, you can!)
you can also use toy cleaner, but that’s not as clean so🧍🏻
mmm now let’s talk about lube

i fucking LOVE lube bro and i find it necessary no matter what
please don’t use shit like lotion n vaseline man that can cause infections, especially for those with vaginas and it just,,, doesn’t belong there man
water based are the most common and are compatible with ANY sex toy.
they tend to dry out on you sometimes but are easily reactivates with water or spit or just reapplying more.
obviously won’t work well if you’re like,, in the shower or something as it’s water soluble
mmm next is silicone
these are on most condoms and are water proof, long lasting and MAD slippery.
but! they’re not compatible with most silicone sex toys and will break them down.
then there’s hybrid lube
they’re water based with silicone added to enhance longevity and mm slippery
these,, CAN be used with silicone toys but only high quality ones and even then it may break it down so,, idk man
mmm oil based lubes
these are MAD slippery and long lasting
not compatible with many condoms or,, vaginal use bc mm blocking pores mm infections

BUT!! they’re GREAT for anal and handjobs n shit. it’s truly meant for the gays ♥️
n here are some unsafe ingredients you may find in line that you should avoid!

parabens, glycerin, numbing agents (marketed towards anal to numb pain,, but it shouldn’t hurt if you’re doing it right,, so red flag bc you could unknowingly cause tearing)
that’s all for now!! if i think of more ill add to this but stay safe stoopids
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