@InsideWLC is part of the church body that excommunicated me for standing up and saying I did not believe a man had authority over me and that homosexuality was NOT a sin. They’ve made the politicized decision to invite Pence to speak to the class of 2020.
Wisconsin is a swing state with a little over 2 months til the election. This is an incredibly divisive move, which has been the trademark of the WELS since before I was born. They were silently removing female professors at their sister college @connect2mlc while I was a student
This is the rhetoric that has defined them, and should be made known. As a child I was brought up to share the gospel with everyone. That god’s love was for everyone. For @welstweets god’s love is for the privileged white. Not women, not #LGBTQ, and definitely not for immigrants.
This is just another example of the absolute deterioration of morals that exists in the evangelical community. Where women are taught to give birth, and to stay silent. I refuse to do that. And this year the @welstweets has proven they are embracing this administration.
Anyone who is fighting this administration in #WisconsinForBiden and #Milwaukee should know that Wisconsin Lutheran College is trying to fly this under the radar, nicely hidden in their announcements. They’ve also invited Wisconsin celebrities like @ScottWalker
In a time when it’s not a choice to stay silent, and we are trying to heal racial and gender divides, this church body has chosen to be an active member in politics and to bring politics into their students lives. @js_politics - you should know about this too.
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