Problems within the current fashion industry & market
Before we get started
I want to say I feel qualified to make this as I’ve been working in the luxury resale market for almost three years, worked a horrible basic apparel retail job, and I’m a fashion minor. I want to go into the sports side of the industry and I’ve done a ton of projects on the (1/2)
harm of fast fashion (2/2)
above is just a small portion of fast fashion brands. Fast fashion is defined as the quick production of popular styles of clothing taking inspiration from the most recent runway & are usually fairly cheap
2. Designer Fakes
To be quite honest I thought designer fakes had somewhat died down since I was a little kid and the first time I went to New York I saw a guy outside of Dylan’s candy selling fake multicolor Louis Vuitton bags but clearly I was wrong
3. Social issues in the industry
For a long time fashion wasn’t even diverse models were all white and super skinny and recent social efforts are really changing that which is great
But we still have a long long long ways to go
Off the top of my head I think of the Gucci lips scandal and the commes de garcons show culturally appropriating black hairstyles and that’s just two of a number I can’t count
And just recently I saw videos of models talking about the racism they experienced
And of course fashion has huge class issues because the honest to god truth is ethical fashion (new) is only affordable to the elite which is really unfortunate
I want to end this thread on a positive note by saying I think fashion is moving forward that soon fashion made ethically will be in a price range the average consumer can afford and the people we see in our ads will look more and more like us
It just takes time and greater push from the public
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