I JUST HAD A LADY AT THE VANCOUVER (NEW SIDE RIVERFRONT) threaten call the police on me because I was looking for my phone inside and near MY OWN car and my FAMILY’s car. #realLifeKaren
I couldn’t find my phone and my mom and I brought two bird scooters to ride along the waterfront. I rode one back. When it wasn’t where I thought I left it inside, I started long frantically.
I look outside to see maybe if it fell under my family’s car who parked next us and my car. And I hear “what are you doing?” And a large older white lady walking a tiny dog yells at me from across the parking lot.
I was like “um excuse me, please mind your business, I’m looking for my phone”. She’s like “no you’re not, you’re on that scooter”. I said “yeah, I brought that with me, please mind your business.” I didn’t even have to but I flashed my keys.
She’s like “whatever, you were on that scooter, I’m calling the police”. At this point I’m shook and shocked that she has all this free time. I’m like “are you for real right now??” And she’s like “yup and the exact pose from that meme”. WHY CANT PEOPLE MIND THEIR BUSINESS.
*looking frantically
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