(1) Well, first thing, the child labour allegations wasn’t just Tesla.

It was Tesla, Google, Apple, Dell, Microsoft, and more. And they’re still in court over this — or maybe it’s done now but yah in Dec this was published. These companies were involved.
https://www.google.ca/amp/s/www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/apple-google-microsoft-tesla-dell-sued-over-cobalt-mining-children-in-congo-for-batteries-2019-12-17/ https://twitter.com/9lives10beats/status/1297292352839704583
(2) Now, Apple, Google, Dell, and Microsfot were all connected to the same battery company but Tesla made a partnership with Panasonic in 2016. Panasonic has an open message about making sure they’re not connected with human rights violation. Tesla (at one point couple yrs ago)
(3) was going to partner with Apple. It was a whole thing about it, so if it has connections, it would be from that. Lithium mining is horrible, but if they were using children, since being exposed in Dec 2019, they stopped and I can’t find anything. And again, this is a company
(4) connected with various companies but they used a diff company for batteries — & they’re not the only ones. So if you haven’t stopped using Google, thrown out your iPhone, and deleted Microsoft from ur system, you can’t really say much.

Since then, Tesla has become INCREDIBLY
(6) Moreover, companies constantly contribute with one another but hide/steal information.

Example: Apple orders microprocessors manufactured by Samsung for iPhone but the two companies had conflicts over bs and even sued each other over the patent rights of their phone designs
(7) so its hard to tell which company has done what. Luckily, Tesla has been open af. You can google this stuff. The info is fairly easy to read.
I don’t think Elon Musk had any idea what was going on. It actually makes the most amount of sense. He’s also been having issues with
(8) Tesla himself, in and out of court (stuff he, Grimes, & Azealia said).
But I highly doubt it was Elon Musk standing in the Congo with an Ivory cane and a cigar in his mouth, chuckling as slaves mined under him. Doesn’t seem realistic that he’d even know. Especially since his
(9) response was so, I don’t know.. but he personally seemed unnerved and embarrassed.
Now G’Lane Motherfucking Maxwell. Ghislaine took photos with people she wanted to blackmail. Point blank. Some of the photos she looks uncomfortable or nervous, but Epstein really wanted Elon
(10) under his thumb... Elon was like the newly crowned Richie Rich Prince of Hollywood.

Tbh.. It always threw me off that Elon Musk didn’t live in NYC bc majority of billionaires do and he’s building his tunnels across from his office there. But Epstein lived in NYC and was
(11) always there, was incredibly well-known, and was really, really close with majority of not all of the higher-ups that lived there permanently. They were there a lot, Epstein and Maxwell. It’s actually why I think Maxwell was hiding out there but that’s another story.
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