Australian women leading the response to the Covid-19 crisis; A THREAD.

1) Prof Sharon Lewin; brilliant HIV researcher working on a cure, and the inaugural director of The Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity. Leading trials on Covid treatments.
2) Prof Lyn Gilbert; renowned infection control expert, she is also an infectious disease physician and clinical microbiologist and has a masters degree in Bioethics. Advising Aus gov on it’s Covid response.
3) Prof Jodie McVernon; Director of Doherty Epidemiology. Extensive experience in vaccine trials and public health. Mathematical modelling whiz. Working on Covid-19 treatment research and clinical trials.
4) Associate Prof Gail Matthews; Running a study examining long term effects of Covid. Infectious diseases doctor and clinical academic with the Kirby Institute. extensive experience in infectious diseases from London.
5) Prof Mary-Louise McLaws; Infectious disease control and public health expert. A member of the World Health Organization Health Emergencies Program Experts Advisory Panel for Infection Prevention and Control Preparedness, Readiness and Response to Covid-19.
6) Prof Catherine Bennett; Strong expertise is in epidemiology, specifically infectious disease, and has been critical in science comms and helping the media interpret and understand the models and science throughout the pandemic. Inaugural chair of Epidemiology at Deakin.
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