I expect she has kids and grandkids. She's a fun grandma. She was never very good at cooking or baking (unlike Beezus), so doesn't bother with that anymore. Sometimes she goes to the Whopperburger all by herself. A little treat.
And what happened to Beezus?! I have a feeling she had a slightly harder time in life. She is now a bit more like Olive Kitteridge.
I cannot be the only one who wondered if Ramona ever dated Howie Kemp. In any case, they're still pals. They often comment on each other's Facebook posts. Willa Jean—she was probably a queen bee at some point and now tells her granddaughters to be ladylike.
Oops, I forgot about Roberta Quimby! I mean, she definitely was the wild child, right? Majored in art. Lived in New York for a while before settling in Los Angeles.
After the Quimby parents died, Ramona, Beezus, and Roberta sold the house on Klickitat Street. It was purchased by a guy who ran a food truck that specialized in vegetarian sliders (deep-fried romanesco with house-made sriracha, etc)
I hope that Ramona Quimby, age 69 or 70, is writing a secret memoir and that she laughs to herself remembering that time she cracked an egg on her head; those times she clanked around the neighborhood on stilts made out of tin cans.
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