Not surprised that Biden/Harris didn't get any noticeable early bump from the #DNCConvention. We should have all seen this coming given the content, VP pick & circumstances. 🧵(1/10)
Biden wanted a convention to appeal to the unicorn segment of (WHITE) moderates - a group he already had kind of sewn up through the primary. If he thought he was going to bring some more Republicans over by putting some R rejects on the stage - well it's just delusional. (2/10)
The production value of the convention was great and folks who put it together deserve props but at the end of the day it was always going to be about substance. Substance (policy) trumps style (production) and the Democratic progressive base ain't stupid. (3/10)
No one missed the fact that Biden/DNC erased and marginalized prominent/exciting Latino, American Muslim progressive leaders on the stage while lifting up a ghoulish oligarchs like Bloomberg and other Republicans from Atari era who no one in Dem base can relate to. (4/10)
He silenced @JulianCastro , marginalized or erased House progressie superstars like @AOC and @AyannaPressley , erased American-Muslim star electeds such as @keithellison - who is currently leading the prosecution of alleged murderers of George Floyd. (5/10)
No one missed the fact while Biden threaded a narrative for MSNBC pundits on @JoeNBC @11thHour of lifting up "Reagenesque" values paid lip services to big structural changes like - reining in Wall St, busting up monopolies, #M4A #GND - that gets our young folks fired up. (6/10)
Biden's campaign could have leveraged the star powers of AOC, Pressley, Castro and others by featuring them on other channels where young folks are (ie IG, TikTok, Snapchat etc) but he deliberately didn't leverage their talent (7/10)
Folks also forgot data repeatedly showed young folks were more excited about Warren as VP than someone like Harris (who wasn't polling well among the young electorate including young black voters. See (8/10))
Now the ratings of this convention was going to be low b/c of lack of lives events, cable cord cutters, and folks generally being down and out in this Covid era grieving over death, unspeakable suffering. So we have to factor the unprecedented circumstances we are in. (9/10)
Still IMHO the convention was a missed opportunity for Biden not to just to solidify his own base (moderates) but also excite the skeptical young progressive. Hope he addresses the issue in next 72 days. He has to and he must. We need him to win. Please get it done Joe. (10/10)
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