There wasn't all this fuss or noise over "trans kids" prior to the recent years. Why is that? Because it hadn't hit social media the way it has, now. Activists like @jack_turban will cling onto any study that backs up their belief DESPITE the obvious fact that things changed.
The fact is, gender identity is more of an ideological belief than a scientific fact. What is true? We are dysphoric and for some of us transition does work. It doesn't work for every dysphoric individual. There is no way to prove, test, or guarantee who it will work with.
Activists will have you believe that not affirming every child will lead to an epidemic of suicidal trans kids. If this were true- that epidemic would have already hit long ago. This is called emotional manipulation and it is being used by the so-called "medical experts."
No one wants to lose their job, friends, or family. No one wants to be called transphobic. No one wants to push back or pause for a moment with any doubt that can be noticed by trans activists. Oh, we get it, Jack. You're afraid. I would be, too. In fact, we're all afraid...
You don't want to challenge your belief because you know exactly where it might lead and that will come with backlash. Instead, you decide to paint @AbigailShrier as though she is a villain because you're too much of a coward. I've read her book and it is not what you say.
But, you know what? At the very least- if her book is THAT harmful and she is so wrong. You could reach out to detransitioners or you could begin a study/research into the increasing numbers of detrans to understand. No one seems to want to push for that except WOMEN.
Women that care about other women. Women that have daughters and know what its like. Women that remember what being a young girl in society was like. So it'll take women to stand up against activism. But they're not alone and I hope you phony doctors are ready for this fight.
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