I've watched this a couple of times and wanted to collect my thoughts. First, hoteps and idiots, sit this out. I'll block you because all you're gonna do is sit behind a screen and not do a damn thing. Save those words. So, here goes:

Ice Cube is dead ass wrong. Here's why: https://twitter.com/icecube/status/1297171670961192962
This feels like an attempt at suppressing the Black vote by making the case to stay home. We stay home, Trump gets re-elected. Plain and MF simple.
As a result, it becomes widespread open season on sniffing us or our rights out.
Maternal mortality may not be an attention grabbing issue,but it affects the Black community at an alarming rate. Electing Biden brings actual attention to this problem. That's a part of what's in it for us. Or, are healthy Black mothers not important to you?
Ending reclining. I was born and raised in Hartford, CT. The city is rather segregated still. By eliminating reclining, Black people get a legitimate shot at homeownership
On Biden's website, he mentions making caregivers a priority. 13% of American caregivers are Black. Again, helping us.

What's in voting Trump out for us?

Stable economy.
Better Rona response.
Educational investment.
Taking care of mothers, caregivers, farmers, that are a part of the Black community.

What's in it for you?
The repeal of that tax cut that helps you.
You once wrote someone "was yelling Compton but moved to Riverside". Is that the same as yelling about the Black community and moving to Marina del Rey? I applaud your success, but remember there are people without as much money, hurting under this administration.
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