— ♡ need to talk? having a hard time? this thread is for you 🤍 STAY.
— ♡ everyone deserves to be loved, no matter in which way.
— ♡ don't feel alone, someone will always be next to you!
— ♡ it could be bangchan or any skz member<3
— ♡ always remember true beauty comes from the heart.
— ♡ remember that having different opinions it's ok! everyone has a different point of view and see things differently.
— ♡ you are beautiful, not only to chan, to everyone! you should always feel beautiful.
tw // s-harm

— ♡ please, don't hurt yourself!
— ♡ who says you don't have a best friend? bangchan is your best friend!
— ♡ bangchan and the boys will always try their best to fix you.
— ♡ bangchan recommends you to think about happy memories whenever you feel down.
tw // anxiety, stress

— ♡ don't overthink too much, things will get better<3
— ♡ always happy to be here for you.
tw // social acceptance

— ♡ people will always like different things, it doesn't matter if you're accepted or not, just do what makes you happy. everyone is different!
— ♡ having an exam soon? bangchan wishes you good luck! you'll do you best! remember to not overwork.
— ♡ once again, do what you want and like while enjoying life, you deserve it. be happy to be alive!
— ♡ once again, here's your best friend!
tw // insomnia, overthinking

— ♡ don't overthink, the more you think, the more negative you can get. it's hard! but possible!
tw // social anxiety

— ♡ you'll never be alone.
tw // depression

— ♡ don't feel too negative! good times will come soon<3
— ♡ everyone needs a hug!
tw // social anxiety, agoraphobia

— ♡ it might be hard, but you'll get through it! step by step.
— ♡ he'll be whatever you need.
— ♡ don't try to be perfect, just try to be the best version of YOU!
— ♡ do you remember you're chan's bias? you are!
— ♡ round of hugs!
— ♡
— ♡
— ♡
— ♡
— ♡ and always remember<3
crto // lixie skz
— ♡ don't give up, no matter what you do, don't give up.
tw // stress, anxiety

— ♡ always try to find someone to speak out loud your thoughts, don't keep them inside or they'll get worse and bigger :( if u ever need to talk, my dms are always open💜
— ♡ and if have no one to tell, to open up, or you just feel like you can't.. try to hug someone🤍
— ♡ no matter who you are, you’ll be always welcomed 🤍
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