Hi, as someone that barely survived being constantly bullied into attempted suicide: those kids know what they’re doing. They’re not innocent b/c they’re kids.
Like I STILL remember one of the girls encouraging me to kill myself, when another kid attempted suicide, started a betting pool on whether the next attempt would be successful. She was 15. School said she was too young to understand what she was doing what dangerous.
As long as you are old enough to understand death exists, you are old enough to be fully aware & responsible for encouraging students to commit suicide.
Defining gel bullying as assault is strong a disability rights issue btw.
Think of all the kids that know a classmate is deathly allergic to peanuts & keep pushing peanut butter in their faces then the school says “they couldn’t possibly know what they’re doing is deadly.” THEY KNOW.
If I shoved a classmate in front of a bus at 14, I’d be a murderer regardless of being 14. If I rape a classmate at 15, I’m still a rapist. And actively, continuously bullying students to attempt suicide is the same damn level.
Our society pushes really hard the idea that suicide is solely a personal choice. It’s a single bad decision that someone makes. It’s their mental illness that causes it. And we ignore that plenty of mentally ill people don’t do this. We ignore context.
You absolutely can push someone to suicide that normally wouldn’t have, b/c kids don’t have the context to see they can finally escape their abusers. And the schools always blame the victim to take blame away from the bullies so the living aren’t traumatized.
Emotionally abusing someone continuously so they can’t escape the abuse at school, at home, on their personal devices, that is harassment & stalking. That’s not “bullying”. Those are CRIMES & they are crimes that correlate to suicide for the victims.
Oh those kids that tried to cause my Suicide as kids? I’ve talked to one recently. She’s sorry it happened but admitted her friends were just laughing about how funny my funeral would’ve been just a few months ago, now in their 30s instead of 15-18.
There is no “innocent” way to encourage other kids to suicide. There’s no kid young enough to not know the cost of harassment, stalking, & emotional abuse. Stop coddling criminals b/c they were kids. They should’ve been held responsible then AND as adults.
Stop pretending kids are both adult enough to commit suicide& be solely blamed for that choice but not adult enough to contribute causing someone dm suicide. It’s absolutely hypocritical bullshit.
Bullying does not exist. What DOES exist is kids that harass, stalk, abuse, & threaten classmates but are excused b/c somehow we think those are valid behaviors for children & how the fuck are we not communally terrified by that?
Heyo if you’ve been aided by this thread, one hubbie is furloughed & I’m unemployed & this was a lot of spoons down so any money to buy dinner would be appreciated http://www.paypal.me/remembrancermx 
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