1. The ***s told the goyim that "racism" is wrong so now the goyim are confused because their entire society (the same society that says "racism" is wrong) systematically racially discriminates against White people

I'm going to solve this mysterious inconsistency here for you https://twitter.com/MattWalshBlog/status/1296472804108492802
2. It's extremely simple

Racial discrimination against White people is not "racism"

"But I was told that racism means racial discrimination"

Ok yes maybe you were told that but that isn't what "racism" actually is in reality
3. The ***s have religiously brainwashed an army of tens/hundreds of millions of people worldwide who call themselves "anti-racists" and who believe this abstract evil thing called "racism" is ultimately destroyed when the White race is exterminated and erased from history
4. The anti-racists are telling you themselves that this mysterious abstract thing called "racism" is ended when the White race and culture and civilization is wiped from the face of the Earth

The anti-racists are anti-White

What does this tell you
5. This tells you that racial discrimination against White people is NOT "racism"

Stop saying that racial discrimination against White people is "racism" you fucking retards

Holy fucking shit

Racial discrimination against White people is ANTI-racism
6. I'm going to try to explain the basic structure behind the ***ish brainwash that your society is religiously operating on and how it works and how this explains all the craziness around you and all the weird behaviors and double standards by the media
7. The most important thing to point out is that the ***s have brainwashed everyone with an abstract belief in "human equality"

An irrational belief that all humans are "equal"

You've been fed this shit your entire life
8. The idea that "All humans are equal"

"We are all people"

"We are all brothers"

"We all bleed red"

"There is only one race the human race"

"Humanity is one big family"

9. The main idea behind this brainwash is that different nations and races all fall into the same category of "human" and that there is no significant genetic difference between groups

As if we were all robots with the same potential and abilities out of the factory
10. According to this brainwash all groups of humans have the same potential

So if the average child in Japan grows up to be an educated productive citizen while the average kid in Africa grows up to be dumb and poor and lazy then this must be due to external additional forces
11. These external additional forces which cause certain groups to accomplish and have more than others is what the ***s and their brainwashed slaves call "oppression"

I'm sure you've heard leftists use this word a million times
12. I'm going to try to explain the structure behind this brainwash so that I can later come back to why racial discrimination against White people is NOT "racism"

Also I'm going to make some shitty drawings on paint so I'll come back later to continue this thread
13. Ok so in this irrational "equality" religious cult that your society has been turned into, "oppression" is the invisible force that creates inequality

According to this cult, if certain groups have more stuff than others it's because they "oppressed" the other groups
14. If all groups of humans have the same potential and if certain groups have more nice things than other groups then the only explanation is that they TOOK their things from the other groups

They obtained their group "privilege" through group "oppression"
15. For example ask any normaltard or liberal why Africa is an absolute shithole while Europe is all nice

They will say "Well because Europeans oppressed the Africans. Europeans did slavery and colonization. Europeans did the oppression."
16. This "oppression" that creates racial inequality between races is called "racism"

"Racism" turns one race (Whites) into evil oppressors with lots of unjust unfair evil "privilege"

At the same time it turns other group(s) (Blacks/poc) into poor victims
17. And now you can start to see WHY "racism" is one-way

Racial oppression has resulted in the present situation where White people have obtained all this nice stuff from TAKING IT by oppressing blacks and POC

The reason Whites have things blacks don't is because they TOOK IT
18. The present situation (according to the narrative) is depicted in tweet 14

Whites (Group A) have obtained all this nice stuff (evil privilege) by TAKING IT (through oppression) from Blacks/poc (Group B)
19. The situation in tweet 13 is a situation of INEQUALITY

And since inequality is injustice which is evil, it must be fixed

The people who want to fix this situation are what you know as leftists/progressives/liberals/social justice warriors (social equality warriors)
20. How do they fix this situation of inequality where Group A has obtained all this stuff by unfairly taking it from group B?

Well, they solve it by taking stuff back from group A

Until equality is restored

They solve it with a counter-oppression
21. They fix the situation created by an evil oppression with an upside down good oppression

They take stuff from the group that has more than it deserves/should have (Group A)

They "settle the score"

They restore equality
22. The equality cultists fight the supposed oppression from Group A against Group B with an upside-down inverse oppression force against Group A

They "take shit back" from the oppressor

They oppress the oppressor

They settle the score
23. I like to call this inversion magic

Because the constant stories of of "oppression" in the news and TV and the movies like some spell generate/conjure/create an upside down inverse force of oppression in real life
24. Every story of "racism" in the news and every movie about slavery generates in the public's mind a need to settle the score

A need to counter-oppress inverse to the oppression they are being fed by the ***s on their TV screen
25. This ***ish brainwash turns not only into socially approved government enforced anti-White discrimination policies but into outright violence against normal White people on the street

The stronger the brainwash the stronger the violence
26. Now you see why "the left" and the media are constantly repeating stories about "oppression" non-stop and searching for stories of "racism" literally fucking anywhere or even making it up

And why they suppress any stories of violence against Whites
27. The stories of "racism" allow them to conjure socially accepted real life oppression and real life violence against White people

Because the public feels there's a score to be settled (equality to be restored)
28. So when is the score finally settled? When is equality restored? When does the anti-White discrimination and violence stop?

Whenever the ***ish media decides to stop repeating stories about "opression" and "racism" 24/7

In other words never
29. So back to the first thing I was explaining

Racial discrimination against White people is NOT "racism"

It is anti-racism

It is counter-racism, inverse-racism

It is literally the opposite of racism
30. Discrimination against White people is "resisting the oppression"

It is the force of oppression upside down to racism that "settles the score" (restores equality)

Anti-racism (discrimination against White people) is not only NOT racism, it is how you fight racism
31. So when people say

"Wow they say they are against discrimination but they are discriminating against us!"


THAT'S EXACTLY HOW THEIR LITTLE SCHEME WORKS https://twitter.com/filthycattle/status/1297298782565085186
32. When people say

"Wow they say they are the victims and we are the oppressors but it almost feels like we are the victims and they are the oppressors"


33. The ***s use their media to create a narrative/illusion

Their mind controlled slaves live inside this narrative/illusion

But THE REALITY is upside-down to it

This is why I call it inversion magic
34. If this thread does not explain their little scheme clearly plz ask questions

Feedback helps
35. The ***s are lying to you if they tell you that "racism" means "racial discrimination"

Racism is something that by design comes from White people

So when they say "fight racism" they don't mean "fight all types of racial discrimination"

They just mean "fight White people"
36. And when they say "end racism" they mean "end the thing that causes racism" and that thing is White people

So "end racism" = end White people

"Fight racism" = fight White people

"Destroy racism" = destroy White people

37. Of course in order to see this you need to first stop believing that "racism" simply means "racial discrimination against anyone"

That is naive and at this point you should be figuring out what's actually going on, you stupid goy https://twitter.com/filthycattle/status/1297277462402015232
38. The last remnants of the White population are going to be herded into anti-White extermination camps by armies of religiously genocidal "anti-racists" and their last words as the White race goes extinct will be

"Wait isn't this racism?"
39. Because like good little stupid goys they took the definition of "racism" at face value and therefore were never able to see that the army of "anti-racist" fanatics assembled by the ***s was actually just an army of people who wanted to exterminate White people
40. And I'm not exaggerating

The end goal of "anti-racism" is the extermination of White people

Making White people go extinct forever

Like the dinosaurs
41. Have you ever wondered why to a "leftist" or "liberal" or simply the average normie when White people invade a brown country it is "ethnic cleansing" and "colonization" but when brown people invade a White country it is "multiculturalism" and "progress"
42. This double standard is rooted precisely in the brainwash explained in this thread

This brainwash creates a "score to settle" between two groups

(in this particular case between two racial groups) https://twitter.com/filthycattle/status/1297293650532151296
43. The victim group is now morally entitled to concessions from the oppressor group

And the oppressor group is now morally indebted and has no right to demand anything or even defend its own interests

This is all very abstract inside of the heads of the brainwashed masses
44. The leftists/normies can't explain why but if they see an image of millions of White people moving into say Guatemala and displacing the local brown population they would immediately think "racism! Go away White colonizers!"
45. And at the same time when they see millions of brown people moving into White countries not only do they not object, they call you racist and evil if you complain about it
46. So it's really remarkable

White people ethnically cleansing brown people is bad and if you like it then you are a racist Nazi

Brown people ethnically cleansing White people is good and if you DON'T like it then you are a racist Nazi
47. Why this double standard?

Because of this brainwash here

Whites replacing browns (the red arrow) is "racism" and is bad

Browns replacing Whites (the green arrow) is "anti-racism" and it is good https://twitter.com/filthycattle/status/1297293650532151296
48. One arrow represents oppression which creates inequality

The other arrow represents "resisting oppression" (counter-oppression, inverse oppression, settling the score) and it restores equality
49. Now you can say:

"How does it 'restore equality' for White people to get ethnically cleansed? It doesn't make any sense!"

I know it doesn't. You're dealing with irrational brainwash
50. The normies have simply been conditioned by their TV to believe and to FEEL that there is a moral score to be settled between Whites and non-Whites (particularly blacks/browns)

It's very abstract and they don't even understand what's going on inside their heads
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