About a half dozen racists are demonstrating in Graham again. A small group of anti-racists is demonstrating in opposition.
This racist assaulted me by grabbing the phone out my hand. Then made extremely racist comments, including saying "white power"
This fucker showed up and started making Nazi salutes.
Robbie Butler (grey shirt) a racist from Pittsboro, called a Black activist "boy" then got in his face, grabbed his own crotch, and said " I got some white power right here."
It's fucking incredible that these assholes are out here claiming they're not racist.
Thomas May, who was trying to intimate UNC students with his racist flag yesterday, says he'll be back next week to celebrate the anniversary of their pathetic Silent Sam vigil, which anti-racists turned into a dance party on its grave.
Steve Marley from hate group ACTBAC is also here, making his typical racist remarks and vile comments about my family.
Smaller police presence than usual. Their racist statue must be getting pricey.

Sheriff's department still not wearing masks, btw
This racist is out here wearing a knife on his hip.
You can see the knife better in this one. Note it's illegal to have weapons at demos in NC. The sheriff deputies don't appear to care.
Thomas May is following me wherever I go. He is getting lots of free history lessons about how the Confederacy was founded on white supremacy, but none of them are sinking in.
Shout out to the badass six year old who just yelled, "Black Lives Matter, Thomas!" at Thomas May.
Thomas May and Steve Marley started sexually harassing me pretty much the minute after two men left for a bit. Racism and patriarchy have always been intertwined in their world view.
Confederate Gilligan and the racist who grabbed my phone earlier are targating Black people and trying to start fights. The guy who grabbed my phone has been saying the n word.
Again, here's what this belligerent racist looks like
Thomas May admitted he is a sexist, and now he's bragging about killing cats. He's once again saying he'll be in Chapel Hill to do racism on Friday.
"Hey hey, ho ho, Terry Johnson's got to go!"

[Johnson is the racist sheriff of Alamance county]
A friend pointed out the irony of this inscription on a Confederate statue, "conquered they can never be whose spirits and souls are free"
His patch says "don't believe everything you think"
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