Whoa: "Northeastern U caught wind of poll by a student asking classmates whether they planned to attend parties. 115 yes, 640 no. When pollster was contacted by school, he turned over names of students who said yes. Northeastern sent email to them and parents dressing them down."
“'You have displayed a disregard for health and safety measures, jeopardized our chances to keep our community safe...' the school wrote. Then the college *threatened to rescind admission* if students didn’t read the rules again and sign a pledge to do better." (emphasis mine)
There's some more wild stuff in this NYT piece: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/22/us/college-campus-covid.html. "Ms. Turner said [U of Kentucky] tried to approach discipline through 'a restorative justice perspective, so we see it as a learning experience, how you take these types of situations and grow from them.'”
"At some schools, social media is being monitored for violations. Since students began returning to WVU, postings have documented large parties and students sitting maskless on front porches w/o social distancing, G. Corey Farris, dean of students, said."
(Maskless on porches!)
"At Cornell, 'behavior compact monitors' are expected to be deployed to spot and address health violations. An online tool to report violations is scheduled to start when classes do on Sept. 2. Complaints will be adjudicated by a special compliance team."
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