The Sims 3 Pets Is One of The MOST Detailed Packs Ever: A Thread
This pack added an ass ton of content in the form of new animals, and all of these animals come with unique features you might have missed.
The dogs in this pack carry pretty much carry every thing over from The Sims 2, but they also added a new hunting skill for dogs. After your dog has been trained to sniff out smells, they can dig up rare collectibles and gems around the open world.
Cats also have the hunting skill, only this time they use it to collect small animals around the world. They can even EAT the small prey. Cats are great for sims who have the lifetime wish to collect all animal types.
But in addition to hunting, cats can also fish in the ponds and lakes around town, making them even more useful than the dogs surprisingly enough.
Obviously it’s time to address the biggest addition, HORSES. The flavor, the power, the influence, the clearance that these creatures have is insurmountable.
Other than being elegant and beautiful and graceful and dynamic, they are also the most fleshed out of all the pets. Obviously you have the basic stalls, troughs and hay items to care for the horse, and some interactions like hoof cleaning and brushing.
The horses themselves have very cute details. Like a mother and her foal having a negative moodlet if they are not near each other. It was so interesting to have a new species in the sims with unique needs and personalities.
Aside from the small details, we also got a massive feature in the new riding skill for sims, and the racing and jumping skills for horses. As you progress through these skills you unlock new riding speeds and abilities, and new options at the Equestrian Center, a new rabbithole.
The Equestrian Center is where all of your races will be happening, and it’s a great way to make money and have a career that isn’t technically a career. On top of that, you can also breed horses there, and even sell horses.
I don’t condone breeding animals for profit, but this is the sims. The higher levels your horses have, the more money you make from the sale, making a career as a horse breeder very hands on and rewarding.
In The Sims 3, every expansion adds a new occult. And in Pets we got Unicorns! They have the same general abilities as horses, with the added benefit of being able to cast several magical spells, such as blessing plants to grow.
Unicorns only come out at night and you have to be best friends forever with the three main animal types in order for a unicorn to join your household.
Moving on to the overhauled pet creation. The Sims 3 Pets is the only one that has somewhat realistically represented fur. Aside from that, they added a ton of new functions to customize patterns and colors. This is the blueprint for what Cats and Dogs ended up doing, don’t @ me.
The Sims 3 could have stopped here, having already improved upon The Sims 2. But my girl ain’t no slouch and said “There is still much to be done” so they added small pets as well.
First we have small birds. These cuties are deadass just small birds. There are 7 species of small birds ranging for parakeets to Bluebirds. They are kept in the birdcage, and have the expected interactions, and can even fly around your house freely if you open the cage.
Next, big birds. There are 8 species of big birds, from falcons to Cockatoos. They are stored in the bird tree. They can be taught special phrases to repeat back to you. Both large and small birds will develop actual relationships with your sim.
There are a slew of other small animals, with 8 lizards, 7 rodent species, 8 turtles, and 8 snake species. They all function largely the same with slightly different animations in their tanks. Although, don’t leave your snake out near a horse, or it may be trampled to death.
And that is the end of this thread. This is probably the most underrated Sims 3 expansion, as a lot of people don’t seem to list it among their favorites. But it still SNAPPED LUVS. It is certainly the best pets expansion we have ever gotten.
lol jk bc they also randomly threw in Deer and Raccoons xoxo
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