Also maybe look at the historical context of why a particular fandom might be doing that! Army is so well organized for buying and streaming because that's what it took to even START a conversation about bts and their music. +
They've been one of the top selling/streaming artists in the US for YEARS now and are still dismissed as a niche artist for the most part. Without sales and streams they wouldn't have had any visibility at all. I harp on this a lot but if you got back to 2016 +
and the top social artist chart they debuted at #1 on the chart the weeks Wings released.
Weird right?
Its because before Wings no one at billboard bothered to track their metrics.
Does it suck that most of the conversation about bts is still centered around numbers and fandom?+
absolutely! But it's literally the only way to get the smallest amount of attention from an ethnocentric and xenophobic industry.
So yeah, we use big numbers to steal a few seconds in front of the mic and every time we get those few seconds its the music that draws thousands +
more people into this group. When you have the resources, the playlisting, the payola to get your music in front of everyone thats awesome.
But when you don't it takes a concerted fan effort to share that musics through, buying, streaming, promoting. +
Thats not a culture of consumerism. That's a survival tactic on a playing field that's never been level.
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