1/6 Politics is the word for the sharing of beliefs and values so as to reach agreements and establish civil policy. In this sense, everything that enters the human mind is up for political discussion.
2/6 If you can be affected by something, you have the right to discuss it, if not others will decide for you (tyranny). Hence, a democracy (mob rule) is inferior to a republic—rule by consensus under law.
3/6 “They” want us to avoid speaking our minds (non-combatively) because we’d find better ways to govern than those who want us to stay silent (Marxists love political correctness).
4/6 The task is to learn how to discuss any and all ideas so we can form a truth-based consensus.
5/6 This naturally leads to rational (truth-centric) people recognizing that all have equal rights and those rights should be protected, and their free and lawful use should be fostered.
6/6 Protection is needed from a cabal-controlled state that fools citizens into accepting false liberalism/conservatism instead of unity under mutual respect for liberty, life and law.
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